, piensa en un número mayor a 19

                                        propoleo has no imposed belief structure. We are all Individuals, and as such may believe whatever we like.                     A common belief in propoleo is in the magickal power of language. We feel that the manipulation of everyday phrases can break the automatic loop of "speaking without thought". We wish to control our own words, our thoughts, and expression. We can do this by consciously changing the language to meet our needs. Not all members "spell funny", although some find value in this form of wordplay.                     We in propoleo and our allies refuse to succumb to a state of 'dreamless sleep', to be part of a humanity driven towards inevitable desolation purely by its own irresponsibility and greed. We refuse to accept thee standards handed down to us by antiquity. And we refuse to accept thee notions that we, as individuals, are incapable of moulding our destinies and realising change; or that we, as a group, are destined to failure because of some supposed 'human nature' of competitiveness and egoism.                     As first steps towards change, we attempt to cultivate an awareness of thee consequences of our thoughts and actions, and to direct our energies in constructive directions. All this is done on thee understanding that our thoughts and behaviour form thee interface between our lives and thee lives of others, and their repercussions are therefore endlessly returning.